Is A Prenuptial Agreement Biblical

Back to the mandate… You are right if God does not call us to write our covenants as a continuous model of covenants between men. But God wrote his covenant with us. It is at least a shameless tradition of making our covenant in writing, and it is indeed a conjugal agreement and a divine agreement. Like the Owens, they strive to honor God through their marriage. Traditional and Christian marriage vows are another clue to the Christian view of marriage. The words “with all my worldly possessions that I have given” are essentially an obligation to share material goods unconditionally. A marital agreement weakens and waters down this wish. Marriage is a life-long commitment and a conjugal agreement assumes that divorce may take place in the future. Preparing for divorce is really not the best way to start a bible marriage.

It devalues the notion of conjugal commitment “to death.” The problem with this is that if there is a problem, the marriage agreement effectively places confidence in the judicial process. This does not mean trusting God, but trusting the courts. When measuring the Christian sample of marital conformity in the book, the vast majority of them describe the remedies for the court in the event of separation or divorce. This does not place trust in God`s disposition; instead, it trusts the court and the marital agreement to make arrangements for the parties in the event of marital failure. Unfortunately, I think that trust in the marriage agreement has no place. She has elevated the marital agreement instead of an alliance and does not distinguish the practical effects of what she calls a “Christian” marriage agreement from the effects of a secular marriage. Patricia, I am happy to continue to go back and forth in the comments of this article on the subject; But I want you to know that my writing plan will prevent me from doing many things in the next 48 hours. I would encourage you to write an article on your own website, in which you have visited every place where I misrepres shot your argument and the biblical character of your version of the marriage contract.

There, you have the freedom to say as much as you want, without waiting for the comments to be moderated. You may have overestimated the influence and readership size of my blog anyway, your site may very well get more traffic. In addition, you can link them directly to where you can buy the book on your own website. We are terrible if we realize the end of the agreement. That is why we need the Bible to get us back on track. And I hope that, in drafting our agreements together, we clarify what we agree on, we remember our covenant, and we recognize the depth of the commitment we make to each other, which must reflect Jesus` commitment to us, realizing that we are sinners and that perfection in this aspiration is not possible. Otherwise, we wouldn`t need a savior. We have some points of agreement, but our biggest divergence seems to be your pragmatic view of how marriage interacts with the law (since the right of divorce is not in our favor, we need a written contract to circumvent it as much as possible) and my theological perspective of marriage, which says that we reflect the relationship between Christ and the Church. to trust the Lord, to preserve our marriage without the help of the state, and to trust his destiny, even if our spouses turn away from him.

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