Agreement Preklad Cesky

Agree: Wir haben uns noch nicht geeinigt. We have not yet reached an agreement. premortem: Eheschließung/Ehevertrag/Vertrag, in accordance with/agreement with sthshod with what in accordance with the rental agreement/contract, rental agreement, lease agreement, residential housing rental contract/rental lease agreement: agreement in principle on the basic points of the contract to be arrived: Wir haben eine Einigung erzielt. We have reached an agreement. Partnerschaft: Partnerschaftsverträgepoleen contract Mietkauf: Mietkaufverträgemlouva on the repayment sale of knock: knock-for-knock waiver agreement each insurance company only covers the damages of its customer subject: Gegenstand/Gegenstand der Vereinbarung/Vertragpráv. Subject of the rental agreement: rental contract of rental of property orally: verbal agreement/contract of tradition/Union of tradition: syndicate contract with the management of the company calmly: tacit agreement/approval/consent, tacit consent, tacit consent: agree with jdn, agree with whom, agree with whom, agree Compact agrees Agreement Contractual agreement: party to a party Execution: employment contract on the execution of the works. . . .

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