Bhp Native Title Agreements

Although there are different Indigenous reactions to the YLUA, there is a common desire to take an interest in the mining industry in order to develop an indigenous economic base, to “reconcile the pressure to survive in the modern economy with the needs and desire to preserve culture” (Taylor and Scambary 2005: 27). Cousins and Nieuwenhuysen (1984: 11) also highlighted the possibility of engagement between indigenous peoples and the mining industry, particularly in the area of employment and cash income, which could be inferred as an improvement in the “ability to follow traditional practices”. Industry and the State see the YLUA as an instrument for the economic integration of indigenous peoples that will both create a source of work available to industry and help overcome disadvantages. It is important that agreements such as the YLUA, which aim to create a sustainable regional economy and maintain healthy relations with the Community, be seen as the key to obtaining a social licence in order to combat the established perception of bad and unequal relations between indigenous peoples and the mining industry (Egglestone 2002); Harvey 2002; Taylor and Scambary 2005; Trebeck 2005). For the State, the YLUA and other agreements are means of economic development in remote and underutilized regional regions. However, as mentioned above, the current and projected socio-economic status of indigenous peoples in the Pilbara raises serious questions about the ability of governments and the mining industry to “understand the extent of the historical deprivation and burden that weighs on the social fabric of societies so radically affected by colonization” (Taylor and Scambary 2005: 1. Yamatji Marlpa Aboriginal Corporation, the local representation of Pilbara`s stock, played an important role in the negotiation of the BHP agreement and is also helping the Banjimas negotiate an agreement with Rio Tinto. The same man completed a two-year training course with the Pilbara Irons Aboriginal Training and Liaison Unit (ATAL) (see Chapter 3) and now works with the Aboriginal Investigation Services managed by IBN Corporation (see below). .

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