United States Chile Free Trade Agreement Form

Strong protection of labour and the environment: both parties are committed to effectively enforcing their domestic labour and environmental legislation. Chile has implemented reforms of existing environmental institutions in accordance with the environmental chapter of the agreement and has established new institutions such as the Ministry of environment. Learn more here. In some cases, considerable research is required to determine the origin of inputs in the manufacture of goods. Many exporters and importers believe that the origin declaration can only be filed at the time the shipment is in customs, which creates a sense of urgency in determining the origin of goods. To get the reduced rate immediately, it`s true. However, the importer has another possibility. The importer may pay the non-preferential duties at the time of customs clearance of the goods and then has a maximum period of one year from the date on which the goods were imported to claim reimbursement of customs duties overpaid as a result of the non-payment of the goods. This can happen when the information necessary to determine that the goods are originating is not available at the time of shipment. At the time of application for refund, the importer must provide a written declaration on the originating status of the goods and, if the customs authority so requests, a certificate of origin or any other indication that the product is considered to be originating; and other documents relating to the importation of the case that the customs authorities may require.

Thus, it is explained that a good is originating It is the responsibility of the importer to claim preferential treatment for a given shipment at the time of handling of the goods by the customs authority. (Under the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement (U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement), the ultimate responsibility for the validity of the claim rests with the importer and not with the exporter as under NAFTA. More information can be found in Article 4.14 of the U.S.-Chile Free Trade Agreement.) To benefit from a preferential customs duty, the importer must provide the Chilean National Customs Service (Chilean Customs) with a written declaration in the import document clarifying the origin of the case. The importer is also willing to provide Chilean Customs, upon request, with a certificate of origin (or any other information attesting that the goods are considered originating). In some situations, an exporter may find that several shipments of identical goods are sent to the same Chilean importer. . . .

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